Educating our children in our Catholic faith is one of the most important programs in our parish. Our parish CCD program involves children, teens, and their families in interesting and fulfilling classes that lead to the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation and a more active participation in our faith.
The program is comprised of four levels of classes based on grade level. The levels are: Family Catechesis (grades K-5), First Holy Communion (grades 2 & above), Life Teen (grades 6-8), and Confirmation (grades 9 & above). Below is a synopsis of each.
FAMILY CATECHESIS Family Catechesis is offered to families of children pre-K to fifth grade. It meets once a month from September until May following the Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings. We gather as a group to grow closer to God and learn about our faith through Bible stories, hands-on activities and scripture. Class is approximately 60 minutes and includes a snack. It is a great opportunity to meet other families in our parish as we grow in our faith together. Registration begins in June and closes August 31st. For further information contact Anne Haddad at
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FIRST RECONCILIATION First Holy Communion is offered to children who are in second grade and above who have attended at least one year of Family Catechesis. It meets once a month from September until May before Sunday Mass. It lasts approximately 75 minutes each month and a snack is provided. There must be a minimum of three students to form a Communion class.
We meet each month to learn about the structure of Mass and its importance in our lives in preparation to receive the Holy Eucharist. We also have a separate Reconciliation retreat on a Saturday in March. It is important for the students in this program to attend Mass at least once a month in preparation for the sacrament. Registration begins in June and closes August 31st. For further information, contact Anne Haddad at
LIFE TEEN Our Life Teen program is open to all sixth, seventh and eighth grade children who are registered parishioners of OLPH. Class is held once a month from September through June. Each 70-minute class is typically held on a Saturday evening following the Vigil Mass.
Each year, the Life Teen program explores one central theme such as Jesus Christ, The Sacraments, and Morality. Certain classes might focus on, for example, Jesus Christ’s use of parables to teach, the Beatitudes, and the Sermon on the Mount. During each class, the Life Teen students are encouraged to read aloud, answer questions, and share their own insights and opinions. Homework assignments (Bible passage readings) are typically emailed to students and their parents on weekends when there is no scheduled class. Life Teen students are encouraged to actively participate in Mass, altar serve, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and attend church events beyond weekly Mass. Registration begins in June and closes August 31st.
For more information, please contact Shannon Kozak at
CONFIRMATION The Confirmation class at OLPH prepares high school age children to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is a 2-year program open to all ninth graders and above. Class is held once a month, from October through April. Each 75 minute class is held in the evening typically on the third Thursday of each month in the Church Hall.
Each class explores different Catholic Church topics and teachings. Examples include Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, Catholic Social Teachings, the Patron Saints, You and God, Easter, Advent, Pentecost & Confirmation, and The Mass. Classes include discussions on the above topics and video presentations to complement the discussions. The program also includes Community services activities, attending Retreat, and participation in the Mass as lectors or offertory participants. The program is flexible in that if a class member cannot attend in a particular month or if increment weather occurs, the lesson plans are sent home to be completed prior to the next class. Registration begins in July and closes September 30th.
For more information, please contact Mary Jane and Greg Ruthven at
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal organization consisting of men who believe in the four core principles of our organization - Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We will host our annual parish picnic on June 9th at the pavilion next to Washington Elementary School. Please use the sign-up sheets in the back of both churches if you plan on bringing salad or desserts. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Knights meet every month in the parish hall. If you are interested in joining our organization or have any questions concerning the organization, please contact our Grand Knight Bill Janega at 860-868-0909.
Liturgy Committee
The OPPH Parish takes an active interest in the growth and renewal of its members by providing uplifting information. The Liturgy Committee does more than prepare and evaluate the liturgies for OLPH and St. Patrick. It functions as a sounding board for the parishioners and sets goals for the progress of the liturgical, sacramental and devotional life of the parish.
Music enriches all parts of our lives and is especially important in the life of the Church.
Our choir, soloists and 80 year old, recently restored organ raise their voices to give glory to God. Traditional and contemporary Church music encourages our parishioners to join in the worship and celebration of Mass.
Parish Council
The Parish Council, as part of the Archdiocese of Hartford, is an advisory and practical assistance group for Father Joseph.
Its purpose is to address the life and growth of the Body of Christ in both churches and includes offering spiritual information, planning and initiating programs and providing leadership for their implementation.
Women's Guilds
The Women's Guilds in Our Lady and St. Patrick provide support for social gatherings and raise funds for community and church needs.
For more information, please contact Jean Suddaby at 860-868-2522.